Some things are unbelievable. Super unbelievable that when I read it I was like I wasted my whole time in school. An online candy selling company is looking for qualified candyologist to serve as taste testers or the company’s confections. Qualified is a broad term since everyone that grew up from childhood to adulthood have eaten any form of candy so I think a lot of people all over the world have already qualified for the job. For example I have 19 good years of eating candy so I think I’m good.





The company based in Mississauga, Ontario is giving an opportunity to people to get paid to get diabetes (sweetest gig ever) and they said that remote working positions offer $47 an hour to sample and review some of the company’s 3,000 candy and chocolate treats. If that’s not a good deal IDK what else can impress you. I’d personally take it especially owing to the fact that for 19yrs I’ve been eating candy and I had to pay for it.Seems pretty cool for me this time to get my revenge on all the candy companies I’ve consumed their product. And I would urge other places to initiate such projects especially Fast foods that sell fried chicken. (All of them)

REQUIREMENTS for the candidates is that they should have enthusiasm and the urge to try the confectionery products. That isn’t hard because once I eat candy, that’s it, the enthusiasm and eagerness will come from the sugar rush I’ll get from the candy. The job advert says, “We are looking for honest and objective opinions on the products to be taste tested” I mean it’s super easy. The tongue never lies coz if it’s good that MF taste good but if it tastes like ass why not tell them it tastes like ass?Simply what they are saying is that they require on to have a tongue with active taste buds.

Applications for the positions are on until FEB 15th and wish all the best to the LUCKY candidates. Check link to the website:https://candyfunhouse.ca/pages/careers

Would you take the job if offered? Leave a comment and share


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