Well, well, well WTF I’m I seeing here? At first I thought it was the Henny(Hennessy) doing its thing in my system but after I took 2 nut shots I realized its FR what I saw. A zoo in Texas is going out of their ways and giving comfort to the heartbroken and desperate lovers with a chance to get their Valentine’s Day revenge by naming Cockroaches and rats after their exes before the animals are fed to larger animals. When I saw this story I immediately went CHICHING! I saw a job opportunity since heartbreak is common to many lives and a lot of people have stopped being straight due to getting their hearts broken.

Considered by many Business Men as a great stress reliever the heartbroken motherfuckers will have to pay $5 for your depressed ass to name a cockroach after that Toxic ex of yours before you can see the cockroach eaten by another animal and turned into shit (your ex). Although some of this confused people hoped that their ex-lovers would feel the actual pain felt by the roach as its being chewed they went ahead to defend their actions citing it as a “wonderful therapy”




 If you are super depressed and obsessed about your ex and want your frustrations to be felt, well for just $25, you get to give a pre-frozen rat the name of your ex before it’s fed to a snake. You can also go to a higher notch and choose the Herbivorous package where you get to choose a one of the mammals in the zoo to eat your “ex” (DM for Prices). OK I think this is good content because never in my life had I thought feelings would be monetized and I feel like an asshole for never thinking towards that direction because out here there are people who are hurt. Like really scared. Well, seems like that’s the new remedy to a broken heart and I have a feeling the rates of heartbreak will increase if this become the new trend, But whatever happens and whoever it happens to just know breaking people’s hearts is not everyone’s job you have to do it in a certain manner that’s gone leave a fresh, Juicy wound in your partners. In short, leave that job to the big boys. 



What do y’all think about the new “heartbreak therapy” would you give it a try?


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